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The genera of Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae and Swartzieae

L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz

Adenolobus (Harv. ex Benth.) Torre & Hillcoat

~ Bauhinia.

Type species: A. garipensis (E.Mey.) Torre & Hillc.

Habit and leaf form. Trees, or shrubs (prostrate or erect, without tendrils); unarmed.

The leaves shallowly two-lobed. Stipules absent or early caducous or very inconspicuous in mature leaves, or present, persistent and conspicuous in mature leaves (but then small, sagittate, deciduous); membranous; not connate.

Inflorescence and floral morphology. The inflorescences unbranched; as deduced from subtribal descriptions, simple racemes.

The flowers hermaphrodite; pentamerous; coloured. Floral tube length relative to total hypanthium + calyx length about 0.5–0.6. Hypanthium present; short, campanulate. Calyx 5; not covering the rest of the flower in bud; gamosepalous (to half its length); more or less regular; members not imbricate. Corolla present; slightly irregular; 5; without greatly reduced members; polypetalous. Petals all clawed; imbricate; imbricate-ascending; yellow, or yellow and red. Disk present and conspicuous. The androecium comprising 10 members; members all free of one another; members markedly unequal (the two whorls of different lengths); comprising only fertile stamens. Fertile stamens 10. Anthers attached well above the base of the connective; dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary stipitate; free (the long gynophore free of the hypanthium, confluent with the upper margins of the ovary and fruit). Ovules few to numerous.

Fruit, seed and seedling. Fruit a two-valved pod (tardily dehiscent); curved (semi-lunate); without markedly twisting or enrolling valves; papery, the valves thin, not becoming woody. The mature valves without prominent venation. Seeds non-endospermic; not arillate (the hilum circular); with a straight or slightly oblique radicle.

Pollen ultrastructure. Tectum reticulate.

Cytology. Basic chromosome number, x = 14. 2n = 28.

Species number and distribution. 2 species (A. garipensis and A. pechuelii). Southwestern Africa.

Tribe. Cercideae.

Comments. Providing forage.

Miscellaneous. Illustrations: • Adenolobus garipensis: flower, fruit and seed (Wunderlin & Larsen, 1981).

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Cite this publication as: ‘Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 1993 onwards. The genera of Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae and Swartzieae: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. In English and French. Version: 4th August 2019.’.
