Ipomoea alba

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Plant Specifics

Size:to 40 ft long vine
Life Span:Long-lived perennial
Flower Color:White
Fruit Color:NA
Phenology:Blooms summer into early fall
Noted for:Aroma, fragrance, Showy flowers


Recommended Uses:Recommended only for use where it can be controlled such as on a trellis or in areas where expansive growth is appropriate. Rain gardens or bioswales.
Considerations:Extremely vigorous, may overtop other plants. Can be planted further north but should be treated as an annual.
Propagation:Seed or layer runners from an existing plant. Nick and soak seed for best germination. Seeds are available through the Florida Wildflowers Growers Cooperative.
Light: Full Sun,  Part Shade
Moisture Tolerance:
always floodedextremely dry
 (Usually moist, occasional inundation ----- to ----- Not wet but not extremely dry)
Moisture Tolerance: Usually moist, occasional inundation ----- to ----- Not wet but not extremely dry
Salt Water Flooding Tolerance:Not salt tolerant of inundation by salty or brackish water.
Salt Spray/ Salty Soil Tolerance:Low/no tolerance of salty wind or direct salt spray
Soil or other substrate:Loam, Sand
Soil pH:Adaptable



Pollinated by moths.

Native Habitats:Disturbed wetland and lake edges, mangrove fringes.

Distribution and Planting Zones

Natural Range in Florida
USDA Zones

Suitable to grow in:
10A 10B 11 9A 9B 

USDA zones are based on minimum winter temperatures


General Comments:

Blooms open late in the day and remain open through the night. Fragrant.

Can be agrown as an anuual north of its native range.  Considered to be invasive in subtropical and tropical areas outside of its natural range.