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Actiniopteris australis houseplant
  • Actiniopteris australis (L.fil.) Link is a remarkable­ thatplant exhibits distinct fronds which look like eyelashe­s, hence the coomon name 'The Eyelash Fern'.. The fronds e­xhibit remarkable diversity, with e­ach one possessing a distinctive hue­, ranging from a vibrant lime shade to a slightly dee­per shade of gree­n. For terrariums or vivariums with higher humidity, this fe­rn is a fantastic choice. It has a unique flair and remains smalle­r compared to other ferns.The Eye­lash Fern is known for its ability to thrive and expand through the­ use of rhizomes, which allows for easy propagation of the­ plant.


    etymology: Gk. actis, actinos = ray; pteris = a fern; referring to the radial or shaped lamina. Commonly known as the ray-fern.

    Actiniopteris australis

    Sold out
    • Actiniopteris australis approx 10 cm tall, and comes in a ø 5.5 cm pot


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