Dianella caerulea, Blue Flax Lily. Family Asphodelaceae.

Dianella caerulea, Blue Flax Lily. Family Asphodelaceae.

Grasses and grass like plants.

There are many different species of grass and strappy grass like plants in Lane Cove National Park, both natives and weeds. All featured here are indigenous plants.



Bordered Panic Grass

Entolasia marginata

Family: Poaceae - the grass family

Height: to 80 cm in the open. Up to 4 metres long when growing through undergowth.


Wiry Panic Grass

Entolasia stricta

Family: Poaceae - the grass family

Height: to 80 cm in the open. Up to 1.5 metres long when growing through undergowth.


Tussock Grass

Poa affinis

Family: Poaceae - the grass family

Height: up to 1.2 metres


Blue Tussock Grass

Poa sieberiana

Family: Poaceae, the grass family

Height: to 100 cm


Kangaroo Grass

Themeda triandra

Family: Poaceae, the grass family

Height: to 120 cm


Love Grass

Eragrostis brownii

Family: Poaceae, the grass family

Height: to 60 cm


Forest Hedgehog Grass

Echinopogon ovatus

Family: Poaceae, the grass family

Height: to 120 cm


Tufted Hedgehog Grass

Echinopogon caespitosus

Family: Poaceae, the grass family

Height: to 150 cm


Stout Bamboo Grass

Austrostipa ramosissima

Family: Poaceae, the grass family

Height: 1 to 2.5 metres


Basket Grass

Oplismenus aemulus

Family: Poaceae - the grass family

Height: to 3 cm


Creeping beard grass

Oplismenus imbecillis

Family: Poaceae, the grass family

Height: to 3 cm

Hoping to find a better image soon.


Blady Grass

Imperata cylindrica

Family: Poaceae, the grass family

Height: to 120 cm


Three Awn Speargrass

Aristida vagans

Family: Poaceae, the grass family

Height: to 80 cm



Cynodon dactylon

Family: Poaceae, the grass family

Height: to 30 cm

An Australian native. It is also widespread in other parts of the world. Sometimes called Bermuda grass.


Spiny Headed Mat rush

Lomandra longifolia

Asparagaceae, the asparagus family

Height: up to 1 metre


Many flowered Mat Rush

Lomandra multiflora

Asparagaceae, the asparagus family

Height: up to 90 cm


Tufted Mat Rush

Lomandra brevis

Asparagaceae, the asparagus family

to 20 cm in diameter



Lomandra confertifolia

Asparagaceae, the asparagus family

Height: 70 cm leaves


Wattle Mat Rush

Lomandra filiformis

Asparagaceae, the asparagus family

20 cm diameter


River Mat Rush

Lomandra fluviatalis

Asparagaceae, the asparagus family

Height: to 75 cm


Rough saw sedge

Gahnia aspera

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 65 cm


Red fruited saw sedge

Gahnia sieberiana

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 200 cm


Black fruited saw sedge

Gahnia melanocarpa

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 120 cm


Tall saw sedge

Gahnia clarkei

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 200 cm


Variable saw sedge

Lepidosperma laterale

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 100 cm


Saw sedge

Lepidosperma urophorum

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 150 cm


Saw sedge

Lepidosperma concavum

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 60 cm


Saw Sedge

Lepidosperma elatius

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 180 cm

this group is under taxonomic revision



Lepidosperma viscidum

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 60 cm

This group is under taxonomic review, and may be split to several new species.


Knobby club rush

Ficinia nodosa

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 100 cm


Bare twig rush

Machaerina juncea

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 90 cm


Thick Twist Rush

Caustis pentandra

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 120 cm


Slender flat sedge

Cyperus gracilis

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 40 cm



Cyperus tetraphyllus

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 50 cm


Black bog rush

Schoenus melanostachys

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 4 metres


Heath bog rush

Schoenus ericetorum

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 40 cm


Common bog rush

Schoenus apogon

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 55 cm


Tall sedge

Carex appressa

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 120 cm


Feather Sedge

Ptilothrix deusta

Family: Cyperaceae, the sedge family

Height: to 80 cm


Common rush

Juncus usitatus

Family: Juncaceae the rush family

Height: to 110 cm



Juncus continuus

Family: Juncaceae the rush family

Height: to 115 cm



Juncus planifolius

Family: Juncaceae the rush family

Height: to 60 cm



Chordifex fastigiatus

Family: Restionaceae, the restios

Height: to 100 cm



Eurychorda complanata

Family: Restionaceae, the restios

Height: to 120 cm



Lepyrodia scariosa

Family: Restionaceae, the restios

Height: to 90 cm


Setters Twine

Gymnostachys anceps

Family: Araceae, the carrot family

Height: to 150 cm


Broad Leaf Grass Tree

Xanthorrhoea arborea

sub family: Xanthorrhoeoideae

Height: to 4 metres


Forest Grass Tree

Xanthorrhoea media

sub family: Xanthorrhoeoideae

Height: to 2.5 metres


Grass Tree

Xanthorrhoea resinosa

sub family: Xanthorrhoeoideae

Height: to 2.5 metres


Skeleton fork fern

Psilotum nudum

Family: Psilotaceae the fork ferns


Grass fern

Schizaea rupestris

Family: Schizaeaceae