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CAROL LINK ON GARDENING: Ajuga works great as a ground cover

Carol Link, Special to The Times
Shrubs are planted near the front foundation of our house. I planted ajuga in the bed to snuff out weeds and to form a ground cover in the area. The spikes of purple flowers are at their best right now. Later, I may regret planting the ajuga in this area, but right now it looks lovely. If the plant proves to be a nuisance in this area, I will dig it up and plant it elsewhere. [Carol Link/Special to The Times]

As the shutdown continues and we are spending an uncommon amount of time at home, I enjoy walking around the landscape and admiring the colorful foliage of spring.

Right now, irises are blooming all over the landscape. Our fringe tree is covered in wispy white blossoms, and those colorful azaleas are still displaying blossoms all over the yard. The green carpet of moss phlox on the slope is peppered with pretty pastel flowers. In addition to all of that, a few mounds of Amsonia hubrichtii are flaunting lovely blue star flowers, and a brilliant purple clematis has begun to blossom. Purple spiderwart and pink, red and yellow roses are in full bloom as well.

Years ago, I planted ajuga in several places in our yard, and right now the plants are beautiful. The ground-hugging perennial works great as a ground cover. I like the plant because it prevents weeds from growing wherever it spreads. The creeping plant is fast-growing, and can become a nuisance if planted in the wrong area.

Ajuga grows into a dense mat. The tough plant will grow in places where nothing else but weeds will grow. Do not plant ajuga in areas near a lawn, or the plant will invade the grass and become a nuisance. I plant mine in a shady area where it can grow freely, such as on a slope or near the woods where it has room to spread and snuff out weeds.

The ground cover is a very pretty evergreen perennial, with dark green leaves and small spikes of blue-violet flowers. The flower spikes grow straight up from the pretty green foliage and attain a height of about 6 inches.

The plant grows best in moist, well-drained, textured soil, but I have found that ajuga is tough and will survive in dry soil. The plant booms in the spring and early summer. When planting, situate the plants about a foot apart. Apply water heavily until plants are well established. Once they’re established, they are drought tolerant and will survive for weeks without applying water. Feed with a slow-release, balanced fertilizer in the morning, and rinse off fertilizer granules from the leaves.

Remove the flower spikes in late summer after the flowers turn brown, and remove any runners that escape the planting bed. Ajuga grows well in the heat of this area, but it needs good air circulation to prevent crown rot.

Carol (Bonnie) Link is an Etowah County Master Gardener and an experienced garden writer. Her weekly column is designed to help and encourage others in their gardening endeavors. Send questions or comments to