Dicoma tomentosa

Description 2

Erect annual herb. Stems purplish, covered in whitish felt-like hairs. Leaves linear-elliptic, folded upwards along the midrib, green above with short hairs, greyish below, densely covered in felt-like hairs. Capitula axillary, with long, bristly involucres, straw-coloured, tinged or striped with purple. Florets creamy-white.

Diagnostic 3

Habit: Undershrub

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/images/16/161950-1.jpg
  2. (c) Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), http://eol.org/data_objects/30290889
  3. (c) India Biodiversity Portal, some rights reserved (CC BY), http://eol.org/data_objects/26079412

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