Oxalis Triangularis

The Oxalis Triangularis is a bulb-like plant native to the southern part of South America and can grow 12-22 inches tall and wide. The leaves are trifoliate (3 leaflets) and triangular in shape. They can be either green or a maroon/purple color and has small white blooms. A unique feature of this plant is its photonastic response. This is the movement of the plant in response to light. The leaves close like an umbrella at night and open in the morning. It is a beautiful and easy-care houseplant.

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AKA: False Shamrock, Purple Shamrock, Woodsorrel, Green Shamrock

Light: Bright indirect light with some direct light in the morning. Too much direct light will burn the leaves.

Watering: Allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry out before watering. The leaves will also droop when the plant is thirsty. Water slowly and evenly until water comes out of the drainage holes; discard excess to avoid root rot.

Humidity: Does well in any level of humidity.

Toxicity: Toxic to cats, dogs and humans.

Potting Mix: Fast-draining and all purpose.

Additional Care: Like other bulb-like plants, Oxalis will go into dormancy after an intense growing season. After the summer, it will look withered and the leaves will stop opening and closing every day. Stop watering and fertilizing and allow it to die back. Remove the dead foliage and let the plant rest for 2-4 weeks. Once you see new growth begin watering and fertilizing again.

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