Ceropegia debilis

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Ceropegia debilis (syn. Ceropegia linearis subsp. debilis), a semi-succulent twining or cascading tuberous-rooted perennial found in southern Africa from Zimbabwe to the eastern Cape. The intriguing flowers capture visiting flies with their fine hairs, eventually allowing them to escape with a coating of pollen. It is sometimes known as needle vine because of its narrow leaves, though they are not sharp-tipped. Order: Gentianales, Family: Apocynaceae

Ceropegia debilis (syn. Ceropegia linearis subsp. debilis), a semi-succulent twining or cascading tuberous-rooted perennial found in southern Africa from Zimbabwe to the eastern Cape. The intriguing flowers capture visiting flies with their fine hairs, eventually allowing them to escape with a coating of pollen. It is sometimes known as needle vine because of its narrow leaves, though they are not sharp-tipped. Order: Gentianales, Family: Apocynaceae


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