How To Care For Fiddle Leaf Fig AKA Ficus lyrata

Ficus Lyrata, otherwise known as the fiddle leaf fig, is the most popular plant of the decade. Read on to discover how to care for these exciting and trendy plants!

Scroll through any plant Instagram or home decor Pinterest and you will probably come across a fiddle leaf fig.

They have become one of the trendiest plants in the game, but some people have had a lot of problems with keeping these guys alive.

A lot of houseplant people have labeled these plants as tricky or finicky, but I think they are just misunderstood. So, let's talk about how we keep them alive and thriving.


What Is Ficus Lyrata?

The Fiddle Leaf Fig, or Ficus Lyrata, comes from the West African rainforest and can grow up to 100 feet tall in its natural habitat. Indoors It can grow anywhere from 2-10 feet tall. They are noted for their green, violin (or fiddle) shaped leaves.

These leaves can grow up to 15" long and dom prominent veins and a leathery texture. These guys can even produce fruit or figs in their natural habitat. Fiddle Figs are quite interesting in that they have long, skinny (but rather strong) trucks and full tops without lower leaves. This makes them a bushy type of tree.

Find Their Spot & Then Leave Them Alone

Once you bring home your new fiddle leaf it might take a bit to find their "spot". They need bright indirect light so next to a window is key. Once you find that spot. Do not move them. Just let them be. They will get acclimated and thrive on the schedule.

Fiddle leaf figs will tell you when they are not happy with their position or how much sunlight they are getting. If you start to notice leaves are dropping, you probably have not found their spot yet. Simply move them to a different window of your home.

A Humidity Loving Plant Baby

Because these plants are from the jungle they do like a bit of humidity. If you don't want to buy a humidifier than I would group other plants with similar care needs next to your fiddle fig. When the water from the other plants evaporate, it will increase the humidity around the tree and the rest of the group.

Ficus Lyrata loves warmer temperatures that mimic their natural habitat. Anywhere between 65 - 85°F during the day and no colder than 60°F at night.

Quick Care Tips

  • Light: Bright indirect light. The brighter the better. If your fiddle fig gets direct sunlight, it's best to have early morning sun rather than hot afternoon sun.

  • Temperature: Warm. Anywhere between 65 - 85°F during the day and no colder than 60°F at night.

  • Watering: Water moderately. They do not like to completely dry out so once the top 2 inches of soil dries out, I water. If you underwater, the leaves will get brown spots, and if you overwater the leaves will yellow. Be sure to watch your fiddle leaf fig for signs that they are unhappy.

  • Fertilizer: Give standard liquid fertilizer every two weeks to actively growing fiddle figs.

  • Special Notes: Be sure to dust the plant leaves at least once a month. Simply take a damp sponge or rag and wipe down the leaves. Hold your hand under the leaf as you wipe so you don't accidentally hurt it.

Once you get the hang of it, fiddle leaf figs will be a walk in the park and a beautiful addition to your plant collection. You will laugh in the faces of those who say these plants are hard to take care of. Well, don't really do that instead share some tips with them so they can be as awesome with ficus lyrata as you!

Happy planting!



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