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  • Rhaphiolepis indica or Indian hawthorn is the most popular variety...

    Rhaphiolepis indica or Indian hawthorn is the most popular variety of the Rhaphiolepis genus. In the Southwestern areas of California and Arizona, it is enjoying growing popularity as it not only a beautiful evergreen blooming plant, but it is also drought resistant and can thrive in full sun.

  • Indian hawthorn

    Indian hawthorn



The National Orange Show has been an annual citrus fair in San Bernardino for more than a century.

The Orange Show dates have moved over the years, and but no matter when the event takes place, it almost always seems to rain sometime during the show. Some have suggested that the Orange Show should be moved to July or August or even held several times during the year because we need the rain.

Easter is another celebration that is not on the same date every year.

During its long history, Easter has moved to a different date each year. But no matter when Easter falls, like rain during the Orange Show, the Rhaphiolepis indica or Indian hawthorn, seems to fill with an abundance of small pink, pinkish or whitish blooms just in time for Easter.

The Indian hawthorn is a perennial broadleaf evergreen shrub. Native to southern China and a number of countries in the southeastern Asian area, Rhaphiolepis is a genus of about 15 species of small shrubs or trees.

It is a member of the Rosaceae or rose family that also includes loquats, apples pears and quince.

Rhaphiolepis indica or Indian hawthorn is the most popular variety of the Rhaphiolepis genus. In the Southwestern areas of California and Arizona, it is enjoying growing popularity as it not only a beautiful evergreen blooming plant, but it is also drought resistant and can thrive in full sun.

Frequently used for decorative purposes in the garden, the Indian hawthorn is often found in commercial as well as in private landscapes. It can be trimmed into small, compact hedges, shaped for foundation plantings or trained as standard forms more than 10 feet in height.

Indian Hawthorn also does well in containers and planters. This plant has been a favorite for bonsai for decades.

The Indian hawthorn, sometimes called India hawthorn, is hardy, easy to grow and is low maintenance. It grows slowly to about two to five feet tall and equally as wide, depending upon the variety). The plant’s mounded, rounded overall shape is filled with leathery, finely serrated oblong leaves about 3 inches long — dark green in color on the upper side and lighter green on the underside.

Profuse clusters of lovely small star-shaped flowers appear about Easter each year followed by dark bluish-purple berry-like fruits called pomes. Other members of the Rosaceae family that produce pomes include roses (rose hips), apples and pears.

The flowers attract butterflies, bees and birds, so Indian hawthorn is also ideal for low-maintenance wildlife gardens.

Many new cultivars or varieties offer different plant sizes and flower colors ranging from shades of pink to white.

Following are some of the more popular cultivars.

• Ballerina — 2 feet tall with deep rosy pink flowers

• Indian Princess — 3 feet tall with light pink flowers

• Pinkie — 3 to 5 feet tall with medium to dark pink flowers

• Pink Lady — 4 to 5 feet tall with deep pink flowers

• Umbrellata — 4 to 6 feet tall with white flowers

Indian hawthorn grows and blooms best in full sun, but can do well in partial shade. It grows in most types of well-drained soils but prefers fertile, slightly acidic soils.

Select the Indian hawthorn variety you prefer for height and bloom color. When planting, dig a hole twice as wide and as deep as the root ball. Make sure that the newly planted plant is at the same soil level it had in the container. Mulching is highly recommended.

Be sure to water deeply and consistently for the first season so the roots become established. Avoid overhead watering and overwatering. Established plants should be watered every five to 10 days in the summer with enough water to rewet the root zone.

Less frequent watering can be made to conserve water without compromising the plant’s appearance, however, overall growth and flowering may be reduced.

Once established, the plant can become drought tolerant. Fertilize lightly in the spring and fall with a complete fertilizer.

In addition to potted specimens, Indian hawthorn can be propagated by cuttings or grown from seeds.

Although the Indian hawthorn will look and flower best if left in its natural form, annual pruning may be necessary for shaping, maintenance, etc. Pruning should be done after flowering is finished.

Insect problems are not common. This plant seldom has serious problems, but as it is a member of the Rosaceae or rose family, leaf spot or fire blight can occur.

Rhaphiolepis indica, or Indian hawthorn is a robust, low-maintenance plant just waiting for patios, terraces, gardens and Easter. If you are looking for a blooming, evergreen, drought-tolerant plant, this might be just the plant for you.

By the way, this year’s National Orange Show is April 20-24, so get your umbrella ready.

For information, call 909-798-9384.

Joyce Dean is a member of the Garden and Floral Arrangers Guild