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Borage Seeds - Borago officinalis - Edible & Attracts Pollinators

Borage Seeds - Borago officinalis - Edible & Attracts Pollinators

Quantity: 30 Seeds


Borage, or Borago officinalis, is a member of the forget-me-not family, Boraginaceae. It's a hardy Annual that comes up in early spring, and keeps on going strong into early winter. the young plants can even survive under snow, and keep going strong to get a head start at growing in the spring. The leaves from this plant have a cucumber like flavour, and they make an excellent addition to soups and fried dishes. The flowers are both beautiful and edible, and make an excellent addition to salads. The flowers are a great source of nectar, and attract bees and other pollinators alike. Planting Borage anywhere near the garden will therefore increase pollination of crops and other plants in the area, and come high summer, you’ll be gifted with a beautiful display of showy blue and purple flowers. Both the flowers and leaves have health benefits. Consumption helps to increase mood, battle depression, improve adrenal function, and aid in heart and kidney function.


All seeds are organic and open pollinated.

  • Growing Instructions

    Borage seeds may be started in pots in the spring, or directly sown into the ground. If sown indoors, it's good to start them in a sterile growing medium; most available seed starting soils should do the job nicely; we use sunshine mix (peat moss and perlite). The soil should be made moist, but not damp. Sow the seeds 1/4 inch below the soil surface. Store in a warm area until tiny sprouts emerge from the soil. A heat mat aids in this step, but is not necessary. Once germinated, and the first true leaf has formed, it's time to pot up to a larger container that contains a good quality potting soil. Transplant to their final location when the nighttime temperatures are consistently 8°C or higher. The plants don’t require very much attention once established other than mulching and a bi-weekly watering. These plants are quite vigorous, and just a couple of them can provide you with an abundance of food. Borage is resistant to deer, pests, drought, and flood; It’s a very robust plant.

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