Gardening Houseplants Types of Houseplants

How to Grow and Care for Xanthosoma (Elephant Ears)

elephant ears

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

Xanthosoma is one of multiple tropical genera, along with Alocasia and Colocasia, whose species are frequently referred to as elephant ears, due to their large, elephant-ear-like leaves. These lush plants prefer bright, indirect light and moist but well-draining soil. They are frequently grown as houseplants but thrive outdoors in warmer regions.

When growing plants from this genus, be cautious. Many Xanthosoma species are toxic to people and pets.

Common Name Elephant ears
Botanical Name Xanthosoma spp.
Family Araceae
Plant Type Perennial, corm
Mature Size 3-5 ft. tall, 2-3 ft. wide
Sun Exposure Full, partial
Soil Type Moist but well-drained
Soil pH Acidic, neutral
Hardiness Zones 8-13 (USDA)
Native Area Central America, South America
Toxicity Toxic to people, pets

Xanthosoma Care

Xanthosoma plants are rewarding houseplants and also make a bold addition to any outdoor landscape. Here are the main care requirements for Xanthosoma:

  • Indoors, position in bright, indirect light; outdoors, choose a spot that gets full or partial sunlight.
  • Prepare well-draining soil that holds some moisture, avoiding clay.
  • Water somewhat regularly without letting the soil dry out completely, but do not let the plant sit in water.
  • Fertilizer regularly during the growing season, especially when growing outdoors.
  • If growing Xanthosoma as a houseplant, try to boost the humidity in your home or keep the plant in a humid place, like a bathroom.


Some Xanthosoma species grown in North America are classed as invasive plants in hotter regions. One of the most common is X. sagittifolium, and this is categorized as invasive in Florida and the surrounds.

elephant ears
The Spruce / Adrienne Legault
closeup of elephant ears
The Spruce / Adrienne Legault
elephant ears
The Spruce / Adrienne Legault


Typical aroids, Xanthosoma usually appreciate plenty of bright, indirect light. Some can handle shade, but they rarely thrive in direct afternoon sun, which scorches the stunning foliage. Rotate the pot weekly to encourage even growth. Outside, some of these species prefer full sun.


Most Xanthosoma need a well-drained, moist, humus-rich soil or potting mix to encourage the healthy growth of their stunning foliage. Avoid dense clays (they don't tolerate waterlogged soils), very loose, dry sands, and alkaline soils.

If you're making up your own mixture, try two parts sphagnum moss, two parts coarse sand or perlite, and one part all-purpose potting soil. Throwing in some decomposed garden leaves won't hurt either. Make sure the pot has decent drainage holes.


To keep the prized foliage of your Xanthosoma looking verdant and healthy, it will need regular and thorough watering. During the hot growing season, this could be two or three times a week and still once every week or two in the winter.

These plants don't like being waterlogged, so allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out a little between waterings, especially if the weather isn't too warm. The key is consistently moist but not wet conditions to avoid root rot.

If you occasionally forget to water your Xanthosoma, it usually isn't a cause for panic. Even if the foliage dies back, the corms (small, chunky stems containing nutrients) will continue to grow. But prolonged dryness is a no-no.

Temperature and Humidity

Exact requirements vary depending on the individual species, but generally, tropical Xanthosoma do best with temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. To appreciate the fullest foliage, strive for humidity levels of 60 percent or above. Drier air can be tolerated (especially if soil moisture levels are kept consistent), but using a humidifier, a pebble tray filled with water, and keeping plants away from air conditioning and heating vents can help.


Most Xanthosoma, with their large, thick leaves, are heavy feeders. Feed these plants every two to three weeks during the growing season with a weak liquid fertilizer or organic fish emulsion. This promotes growth and retains mature, healthy foliage for longer. During the winter, fertilizing just a couple of times is usually enough.

Types of Xanthosoma

There are over 70 species of Xanthosoma, but only a small proportion of these are available to cultivate as houseplants. Of those obtainable commercially, most are rare and difficult to source. Some of the species and cultivars more readily available or in particularly high demand include:

  • X. sagittifolium: One of the most readily available, fast-growing species, with grand dark green foliage that can grow up to 4 feet in length in the right conditions.
  • X. lindenii: If you can get your hands on one of these babies, you'll be rewarded with striking foliage with a silvery hue and white venation. Growing up to 3 feet tall, when mature, this makes for a standout bathroom floor plant.
  • X. 'Lime Zinger': Very on-trend because of the unusual chartreuse to lime-green foliage, this plant can grow to 3 feet tall and does well in home environments.


You won't have to get the pruning shears out regularly if you own a Xanthosoma. It's just a case of removing old, unhealthy leaves to direct the energy to the healthy foliage.

Propagating Xanthosoma

Xanthosoma are typically propagated via division of the tubers, pups, or rhizomes of mature, healthy plants during spring. Make sure you select a healthy cutting with a sterile knife. Keep the cutting moist, warm, and in a well-draining potting mix for best success.

Potting and Repotting Xanthosoma

When growing Xanthosoma as a houseplant, you should repot it either once it's doubled in size or every few years. Choose a pot that is only one size up in diameter from the previous pot and be sure to use fresh soil. Fill the bottom of the new pot with some soil, transfer the Xanthosoma into the new pot, and then fill in the excess space around the plant with more soil without covering the base of the plant.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

When grown as a houseplant, Xanthosoma species are subject to common houseplants pests, such as mealybugs and aphids. However, many of these pests are attracted to dry conditions, so if you are maintaining the high humidity that Xanthosoma prefers, you may be able to avoid pest issues. Plant diseases are not a common problem for this genus.

Common Problems With Xanthosoma

Xanthosoma aren't immune to problems. However, you can often remedy issues by making simple changes in light, moisture, or temperature. Look out for the following:

Drooping Leaves

This is a common sign that you aren't watering your Xanthosoma enough. But be careful not to waterlog your plant.

Leaves Turning Yellow

Conversely, the first sign that you might be too conservative with your watering schedule is the yellowing of seemingly healthy foliage.

Browning Tips

This can signal you're not getting the right balance with fertilization, exposing your plant to too much direct sunlight, too little water, or overly dry air.

  • Do Xanthosoma go dormant?

    Yes, Xanthosoma plants go dormant during winter and will come back in spring. However, grown indoors, they won't go fully dormant in winter but will definitely slow down.

  • How fast do Xanthosoma grow?

    Most Xanthosoma species are relatively fast-growing, and mature plants can develop in as little as 14 weeks, producing lush foliage from 6 months onwards.

  • What is the difference between Xanthosoma and Caladium?

    Caladium, with their lush, showy foliage, are often confused with Xanthosoma species. But Caladium plants tend to be kept drier and dormant outside of spring and summer.

  • Do Xanthosoma have attractive flowers?

    Don't grow Xanthosoma expecting showy flowers. They rarely bloom in home environments, and, even when they do, they aren't all that attractive.

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  1. Elephant Ear. Pet Poison Helpline.

  2. Poisonous Plants - Xanthosoma Caracu. USDA Forest Service.

  3. Arrowleaf elephant's ear. Invasive Plant Atlas.