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Dasylirion wheeleri

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Product Details
Botanical Name: Dasylirion wheeleri
Common name: Desert Spoon
Common Name: Desert Spoon

Dasylirion wheeleri, commonly known as Desert Spoon is a modern-art optical treat of beautiful blue-grey leaves radiating perfectly straight out from the center with a soft little curl at the very end. Leaves are effectively armed with tiny little toothed barbs along the leaf margin. Mature plants are 2-3 feet all around, forming a flower spike up to 14 feet. The crown does not die after flowering like the Agaves do, instead, a new branch or two form at the base of the spent flower stem. Similar in many ways to the Yucca family in appearance and growth habits, only much more geometrical and striking in form. Full sun, needs good drainage along coast and coastal plain areas. Excellent in hot, inland and high desert areas. Hardy to high teens.

  • Type: Cactus
  • Exposure: Full Sun
  • Height: 2-3 Feet
  • Width: 2-3 Feet
  • Hardy To: 18° F
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